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Friday, January 29, 2010

The Nostradamus Predictions

Michel de Nostradame, better known by his Latin name, Nostradamus, predicted that the Antichrist will reveal himself in the new millennium.

Nostradamus, often spent his time alone, gazing into a bowl of water until he went into a deep trance and saw into the future.

On one night he saw his own death. He died two weeks later,on 2 July 1566 - the exact date he had predicted.


So did he predict that 2012 will be the End of Civilization, as we know it?

Many of Nostradamus's 900 predictions relate to catastrophic events at the end of the millennium. In view of the chilling accuracy with which he has predicted his own death, his prophecies cannot be taken too lightly - especially since so many other prophets predict similar events............

His predictions, obtained from a mixture of astrology and alchemy and written in coded verses in French and Latin, were published in his book "Centuries".

Two things that he did predict for 2012 is:

a) He predicted that "the October before the 2012 would see the skies turning black before earthquakes, wars and other extreme events".
b) He also predicted of "a great flood in 2012 which will submerge the whole world".

Does this mean that 2012, could be the End of Civilization?

More articles to follow.........

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Mayan Calendar

Welcome back to 2012 End of Civilization.

I have so many new data to share with you, I will have to post them all
in different daily blogs!!!.

Let me just give you an idea of future blogs to come......(based on actual research on all these topics).
- Nostradamus Prediction
- 2012 and The Crop Circles
- Galactic Alignment
- Planet X (Niburu) asteroid
- Project Enoch, satanic cult and the coming of the antichrist
- Illuminati and The New World Order
- Freemasonry

And many more..........................

Today's topic is the Mayan Calendar

The Mayans were an advanced civilization that existed about 1500 years ago in Central America. For over a millennium they were among the most advanced races of the world. They built better roads than the Romans, and were better scientists than the Greeks. Their pyramids were equal of those in Egypt. 
Sadly though, they only existed until AD900, then they allegedly disappeared.
Among their many achievements was the ability to map the heavens with pinpoint accuracy. Having no Christ equivalent to set their dates by, they turned to the stars. The result was the Mayan "Long Count", based on the movements of the planet Venus. This divided time into a series of cycles beginning with the birth of Venus. Each cycle was 1,872,000 days long. The cycle that we are now living in began on 13 August 3114BC and will end on 21 December 2012. The Mayans were certain about this current cycle and believed, moreover, that it was the last one.
Once it had run its course, the world, they said, would end in devastating floods, earthquakes and fires - which is remarkably similar to the Christian prophecies(I will publish an article on this later). The Mayan Calendar and culture has always been seen as superstitious, until now.....

The Mayans believed that on 21 December 2012, it will be the end of civilization as we know it. They also believed that this will include the arrival of a comet that our astronomers are not aware of yet(which are also mention in the Bible).

Carlos Barrios, a member of the Eagle Clan of the Mam Maya that is resides in Guatemala, today, has this to say about the year 2012: "The world will not end. It will be transformed... Everything will change.".....

For millenniums, mankind had wandered in the darkness… but now, as had been prophesized, there is a change coming. This moment had been predicted long ago, prophesied by the ancient texts and by the primeval calendars.

The date was specific, it's arrival imminent. ........

Sunday, January 17, 2010

2012 - Will it be the End of Civilization as we know it?

It is prophesized that on 21 December 2012 it will be doomsday,or The End of the World or the End of Civilization, as we know it.

It is prophesized, that on that day, all the planets, including the sun, will be in a straight line, which is also called "Galactic Alignment". This will cause solar storms and will also cause our magnetic poles to “flip”. North will become South and vice versa. This will cause all communication to stop, eg. There will be no satellites that work, thus no TV, cellphone coverage, electricity, radar etc.

A still unknown meteorite to NASA, with the name of Nibiru or Planet X is, allegedly, going to collide with earth and cause major earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, and storms.

There are a lot of people that do not believe that the above will happen. What is disturbing however, is that Christian prophets are supported by other prophets who not only knew nothing of Christianity but who used a totally different calendar, like the Mayans, and they all prophesized the end of civilization in or around 2012.

Apart from the astrological and religious implications, however, there are also a lot of scientific evidence to show that such a configuration will have harmful effects on our planet.
NASA studies have shown that when three planets slot into a 90 degree or 180 degree arrangement, there in a definite increase of static in radio waves. The disturbance increase with the number of planets involved.
The "Grand Cross" as it is called, occurs so rarely that nobody has ever recorded what happens when the entire solar system goes into "Galactic Alignment". There are some who believe that this alignment will cause earthquakes and magnetic chaos on earth.

The fact that so many millennium prophecies seem to point to natural catastrophes generates a certain uneasiness.

Alternatively, 21 December 2012 may just be the focus of our innate fears. There have been prophets before who have claimed the end of the world was coming, yet we are still here.

So, will 2012 be the End of Civilization as we know it?.......................All we can really do is wait and see......

Check out the other pages on my blog for detailed descriptions of the above topics.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Welcome to 2012 End of Civilization

Welcome to 2012 - End of Civilization. This site provides facts, predictions and discussions on the topic that 2012 will be the end of civilization as we know it.
If you have anything interesting to add or to ask about this interesting and scary topic, please feel free to email me at elizeebotha@yahoo.com