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Monday, February 15, 2010

The Psychic Prophet - Edgar Cayce (1877-1945)

Today my article is about a psychic prophet who also had his own predictions about the years 2000+.
Could it be that he also saw the end of civilization, in 2012?

Decide for yourself.

Some prophets are more explicit in their predictions. One of the more famous in more modern times was this American psychic healer. Like Nostradamus, Cayce used a trance state as a means of foreseeing the future. Cayce saw disasters like the 1989 earthquake in San Fransisco, the fires in Los Angeles and the 9/11 destruction in Manhattan.

Cayce saw these disasters ending with magnetic poles flipping, so that north becomes south and vice versa, causing tidal waves and earthquakes that destroy the earth.

Finally, in the years 2000+, he sees the Second Coming of Christ - and a new age of peace. This last prediction reflects the prophecies as told in the New Testament Book of Revelations, in the Bible. It states: "there was a great earthquake.......and the stars of heaven fell unto the earth....and every mountain and island were moved out of their places."

Edgar Cayce was a deeply religious man and it is more than likely that the prophecies in the Bible had some influence on his visions. But his predictions, made in 1934, of "upheavals in the Arctic" whereby "frigid or semi-tropical climates will become more tropical, and moss and ferns will grow" is uncanny - particularly in the light of more recent concerns about the polar ice-caps melting as a result of global warming.


Edgar Cayce's prediction that the magnetic poles will flip in 2000+ is certainly possible.
According to scientists, the poles usually flip every 500,000 years. But the last one occured over 780,000 years ago, so we are overdue for another one........

It's a well known fact that the magnetic field surrounding Earth shields us from most of the sun's radiation.
What is less known is that the magnetic north and south poles have a habit of changing places approximately every 750,000 years. Currently, the cycle is overdue by about 30,000 years.

Scientific research has also shown that the poles are drifting apart roughly 20 to 30 kilometers each year, much faster than ever before, and also indicates a pole-shift occurring much sooner than scientific history would have us believe.
During the process of a pole shift, the magnetic field is disrupted to the point of its complete disappearance. It could be absent for as much as 100 years. As a result, there would be sufficient UV radiation in the air to crisp your skin in seconds, killing everything in its searing radius.

Will this be what is going to happen in 2012?

Could 2012 be the End of Civilization, as we know it?.................

More later......

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